Ashley L. Fouyolle, Founder + Creative Director

Ashley L. Fouyolle, Founder + Creative Director | @unwrp

What moment has defined your journey the most?

A moment I think of often is receiving a call from my mom. She facetimed me, almost in tears, as she watched my segment on the local news. I sat down with News12 Brooklyn to discuss my inspiration behind creating UNWRP. It felt like a small deal but getting that call from my mom made it all surreal. It most definitely is her proudest moment.

What drives you?

Writing my legacy! I can take the easy route and stay stagnant, but the thought that I am leaving an everlasting impression on the world drives me to push the boundaries on life.

How are you paving the way for people in your community to succeed? Or opening doors that were once closed?

I am helping my community by keeping the doors open and helping those behind me in. Whatever industry I break into I am always reaching out to my peers to see how my position can help to promote what they're doing or put them in the right spaces.

Most meaningful project to date?

UNWRP! Hands down I would have never imagined how big and far it has gone.

Advice or a mantra you would like to pass on

Just do it!

Romain McLean

Romain McLean is a creative connector inspiring entrepreneurs to bring their wildest dreams to life. Bizgoprint aligns with Romain’s life purpose, bringing value to people’s lives through creative inspiration and better marketing practices.

Lenora Porter, Designer + Engineer


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